الفرق بين المراجعتين ل"Godot"

من موسوعة حسوب
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
ط (تغيير العنوان)
(إضافة الفهرس الأساسي)
(مراجعة متوسطة واحدة بواسطة نفس المستخدم غير معروضة)
سطر 1: سطر 1:
{{DISPLAYTITLE:الممارسات المثلى في جودو}}
== Best practices ==
ستساعدك هذه السلسلة من الممارسات المثلى للعمل بفاعليّة مع جودو Godot.
=== [[Godot/best practices/introduction best practices|Introduction]] ===
=== [[Godot/best practices/what are godot classes|Applying object-oriented principles in Godot]] ===
يمنحك جودو قدرًا كبيرًا من المرونة عندما يأتي الأمر لهيكلة الشيفرة البرمجية الخاصة بمشروعك وتجزئتها إلى مَشَاهد scenes، إذ لكلّ طريقة مساوئها ومحاسنها ولعل معرفة تأثير كل طريقة أمر صعب إلا بعد عملك مع محرك الألعاب - جودو - مدة طويلة.
=== [[Godot/best practices/scene organization|Scene organization]] ===
=== [[Godot/best practices/scenes versus scripts|When to use scenes versus scripts]] ===
هناك العديد من الطرق لهيكلة الشيفرة البرمجية وحل المشكلات البرمجية، ومن المستحيل تغطية جميعها هنا.
=== [[Godot/best practices/autoloads versus internal nodes|Autoloads versus regular nodes]] ===
=== [[Godot/best practices/node alternatives|When and how to avoid using nodes for everything]] ===
لذا، سنبدأ كل قسم بمشكلة من وحي الواقع، وسنقسّم كل مشكلة إلى مجموعة من الأسئلة الأساسية مع اقتراح الحلول لكل سؤال وتحليل الإيجابيات والسلبيات لكل خيار مع التركيز على الحل الأفضل للمشكلة التي نناقشها.
=== [[Godot/best practices/godot interfaces|Godot interfaces]] ===
=== [[Godot/best practices/godot notifications|Godot notifications]] ===
عليك البدء بقراءة قسم "تطبيق مبادئ البرمجة كائنية التوجه في جودو"، إذ سيساعدك فهم نظام العقد nodes والمشاهد scenes في جودو على الربط مع الأصناف classes والكائنات objects في اللغات الأخرى كائنية التوجه، وسيساعدك ذلك بدوره على فهم باقي أجزاء السلسلة.
=== [[Godot/best practices/data preferences|Data preferences]] ===
<blockquote>تعتمد الممارسات المثلى في جودو على مبادئ تصميمية كائنية التوجه، إذ نستخدم أدواتٍ مثل مبدئ المسؤولية الواحدة single responsibility والتغليف encapsulation.</blockquote>
=== [[Godot/best practices/logic preferences|Logic preferences]] ===
=== [[Godot/best practices/project organization|Project organization]] ===
=== [[Godot/best practices/version control systems|Version control systems]] ===
== Editor introduction ==
=== [[Godot/editor/project manager|Using the Project Manager]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/inspector dock|The Inspector]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/project settings|Project Settings]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/default key mapping|Default editor shortcuts]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/customizing editor|Customizing the interface]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/using the android editor|Using the Android editor]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/using the web editor|Using the Web editor]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/command line tutorial|Command line tutorial]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/external editor|Using an external text editor]] ===
=== [[Godot/editor/managing editor features|Managing editor features]] ===
== Migrating to a new version ==
=== [[Godot/migrating/upgrading to godot 4|Upgrading from Godot 3 to Godot 4]] ===
=== [[Godot/migrating/upgrading to godot 4.1|Upgrading from Godot 4.0 to Godot 4.1]] ===
== 2D ==
=== [[Godot/2d/canvas layers|Canvas layers]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/2d transforms|Viewport and canvas transforms]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/2d lights and shadows|2D lights and shadows]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/2d meshes|2D meshes]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/2d sprite animation|2D sprite animation]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/particle systems 2d|2D particle systems]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/2d antialiasing|2D antialiasing]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/custom drawing in 2d|Custom drawing in 2D]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/2d movement|2D movement overview]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/using tilesets|Using TileSets]] ===
=== [[Godot/2d/using tilemaps|Using TileMaps]] ===
== 3D ==
=== [[Godot/3d/introduction to 3d|Introduction to 3D]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/using transforms|Using 3D transforms]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/procedural geometry/index|Procedural geometry]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/3d text|3D text]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/3d rendering limitations|3D rendering limitations]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/standard material 3d|Standard Material 3D and ORM Material 3D]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/lights and shadows|3D lights and shadows]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/using decals|Using decals]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/physical light and camera units|Physical light and camera units]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/particles/index|Particle systems (3D)]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/high dynamic range|High dynamic range lighting]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/global illumination/index|Global illumination]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/global illumination/introduction to global illumination|Introduction to global illumination]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/global illumination/using voxel gi|Using Voxel global illumination]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/global illumination/using sdfgi|Signed distance field global illumination (SDFGI)]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/global illumination/using lightmap gi|Using Lightmap global illumination]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/global illumination/reflection probes|Reflection probes]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/global illumination/faking global illumination|Faking global illumination]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/environment and post processing|Environment and post-processing]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/volumetric fog|Volumetric fog and fog volumes]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/3d antialiasing|3D antialiasing]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/using multi mesh instance|Using MultiMeshInstance3D]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/mesh lod|Mesh level of detail (LOD)]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/visibility ranges|Visibility ranges (HLOD)]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/occlusion culling|Occlusion culling]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/resolution scaling|Resolution scaling]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/variable rate shading|Variable rate shading]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/csg tools|Prototyping levels with CSG]] ===
=== [[Godot/3d/using gridmaps|Using GridMaps]] ===
== Animation ==
=== [[Godot/animation/introduction|Introduction to the animation features]] ===
=== [[Godot/animation/animation track types|Animation Track types]] ===
=== [[Godot/animation/cutout animation|Cutout animation]] ===
=== [[Godot/animation/2d skeletons|2D skeletons]] ===
=== [[Godot/animation/animation tree|Using AnimationTree]] ===
=== [[Godot/animation/playing videos|Playing videos]] ===
=== [[Godot/animation/creating movies|Creating movies]] ===
== Assets pipeline ==
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/import process|Import process]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/importing images|Importing images]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/importing audio samples|Importing audio samples]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/importing translations|Importing translations]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/importing scenes|Importing 3D scenes]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/retargeting 3d skeletons|Retargeting 3D Skeletons]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/exporting 3d scenes|Exporting 3D scenes]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/escn exporter/index|Blender ESCN exporter]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/escn exporter/material|Materials]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/escn exporter/physics|Physics properties]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/escn exporter/lights|Lights]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/escn exporter/mesh|Mesh]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/escn exporter/skeleton|Skeleton]] ===
=== [[Godot/assets pipeline/escn exporter/animation|Animation]] ===
== Audio ==
=== [[Godot/audio/audio buses|Audio buses]] ===
=== [[Godot/audio/audio effects|Audio effects]] ===
=== [[Godot/audio/audio streams|Audio streams]] ===
=== [[Godot/audio/sync with audio|Sync the gameplay with audio and music]] ===
=== [[Godot/audio/recording with microphone|Recording with microphone]] ===
=== [[Godot/audio/text to speech|Text to speech]] ===
== Export ==
=== [[Godot/export/exporting projects|Exporting projects]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting pcks|Exporting packs, patches, and mods]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/feature tags|Feature tags]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting for linux|Exporting for Linux]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting for macos|Exporting for macOS]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/running on macos|Running Godot apps on macOS]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting for windows|Exporting for Windows]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/changing application icon for windows|Changing application icon for Windows]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting for uwp|Exporting for Universal Windows Platform]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting for ios|Exporting for iOS]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting for android|Exporting for Android]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/android custom build|Custom builds for Android]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting for web|Exporting for the Web]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/exporting for dedicated servers|Exporting for dedicated servers]] ===
=== [[Godot/export/one-click deploy|One-click deploy]] ===
== File and data I/O ==
=== [[Godot/io/background loading|Background loading]] ===
=== [[Godot/io/data paths|File paths in Godot projects]] ===
=== [[Godot/io/saving games|Saving games]] ===
=== [[Godot/io/binary serialization api|Binary serialization API]] ===
== Internationalization ==
=== [[Godot/i18n/internationalizing games|Internationalizing games]] ===
=== [[Godot/i18n/localization using gettext|Localization using gettext]] ===
=== [[Godot/i18n/locales|Locale codes]] ===
=== [[Godot/i18n/pseudolocalization|Pseudolocalization]] ===
== Input handling ==
=== [[Godot/inputs/inputevent|Using InputEvent]] ===
=== [[Godot/inputs/input examples|Input examples]] ===
=== [[Godot/inputs/mouse and input coordinates|Mouse and input coordinates]] ===
=== [[Godot/inputs/custom mouse cursor|Customizing the mouse cursor]] ===
=== [[Godot/inputs/controllers gamepads joysticks|Controllers, gamepads, and joysticks]] ===
=== [[Godot/inputs/handling quit requests|Handling quit requests]] ===
== Math ==
=== [[Godot/math/vector math|Vector math]] ===
=== [[Godot/math/vectors advanced|Advanced vector math]] ===
=== [[Godot/math/matrices and transforms|Matrices and transforms]] ===
=== [[Godot/math/interpolation|Interpolation]] ===
=== [[Godot/math/beziers and curves|Beziers, curves and paths]] ===
=== [[Godot/math/random number generation|Random number generation]] ===
== Navigation ==
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation introduction 2d|2D Navigation Overview]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation introduction 3d|3D Navigation Overview]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationservers|Using NavigationServer]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationmaps|Using NavigationMaps]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationregions|Using NavigationRegions]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationmeshes|Using NavigationMeshes]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationpaths|Using NavigationPaths]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationpathqueryobjects|Using NavigationPathQueryObjects]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationagents|Using NavigationAgents]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationobstacles|Using NavigationObstacles]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationlinks|Using NavigationLinks]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation using navigationlayers|Using NavigationLayers]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation debug tools|Navigation Debug Tools]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation connecting navmesh|Connecting NavigationMeshes]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation different actor types|Support different actor types]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation different actor locomotion|Support different actor locomotion]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation different actor area access|Support different actor area access]] ===
=== [[Godot/navigation/navigation optimizing performance|Optimizing Navigation Performance]] ===
== Networking ==
=== [[Godot/networking/high level multiplayer|High-level multiplayer]] ===
=== [[Godot/networking/http request class|Making HTTP requests]] ===
=== [[Godot/networking/http client class|HTTP client class]] ===
=== [[Godot/networking/ssl certificates|SSL certificates]] ===
=== [[Godot/networking/websocket|WebSocket]] ===
=== [[Godot/networking/webrtc|WebRTC]] ===
== Performance ==
=== [[Godot/performance/general optimization|General optimization tips]] ===
=== [[Godot/performance/using servers|Optimization using Servers]] ===
=== [[Godot/performance/cpu optimization|CPU optimization]] ===
=== [[Godot/performance/gpu optimization|GPU optimization]] ===
=== [[Godot/performance/using multimesh|Optimization using MultiMeshes]] ===
=== [[Godot/performance/optimizing 3d performance|Optimizing 3D performance]] ===
=== [[Godot/performance/vertex animation/index|Animating thousands of objects]] ===
=== [[Godot/performance/using multiple threads|Using multiple threads]] ===
=== [[Godot/performance/thread safe apis|Thread-safe APIs]] ===
== Physics ==
=== [[Godot/physics/physics introduction|Physics introduction]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/rigid body|Using RigidBody]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/using area 2d|Using Area2D]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/using character body 2d|Using CharacterBody2D/3D]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/ray-casting|Ray-casting]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/ragdoll system|Ragdoll system]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/kinematic character 2d|Kinematic character (2D)]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/soft body|Using SoftBody]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/collision shapes 2d|Collision shapes (2D)]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/collision shapes 3d|Collision shapes (3D)]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/large world coordinates|Large world coordinates]] ===
=== [[Godot/physics/troubleshooting physics issues|Troubleshooting physics issues]] ===
== Platform-specific ==
=== [[Godot/platform/android/index|Android plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/android/android plugin|Creating Android plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/android/android in app purchases|Android in-app purchases]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/ios/index|iOS plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/ios/ios plugin|Creating iOS plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/ios/plugins for ios|Plugins for iOS]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/web/index|HTML5]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/web5 shell classref|HTML5 shell class reference]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/web/customizing5 shell|Custom HTML page for Web export]] ===
=== [[Godot/platform/consoles|Console support in Godot]] ===
== Plugins ==
=== [[Godot/plugins/editor/index|Editor plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/plugins/editor/installing plugins|Installing plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/plugins/editor/making plugins|Making plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/plugins/editor/making main screen plugins|Making main screen plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/plugins/editor/import plugins|Import plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/plugins/editor/3d gizmos|3D gizmo plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/plugins/editor/inspector plugins|Inspector plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/plugins/editor/visual shader plugins|Visual Shader plugins]] ===
=== [[Godot/plugins/running code in the editor|Running code in the editor]] ===
== Rendering ==
=== [[Godot/rendering/viewports|Using Viewports]] ===
=== [[Godot/rendering/multiple resolutions|Multiple resolutions]] ===
=== [[Godot/rendering/jitter stutter|Fixing jitter, stutter and input lag]] ===
== Scripting ==
=== programming languages ===
==== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/index|GDScript]] ====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/gdscript basics|GDScript reference]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/gdscript advanced|GDScript: An introduction to dynamic languages]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/gdscript exports|GDScript exports]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/gdscript documentation comments|GDScript documentation comments]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/gdscript styleguide|GDScript style guide]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/static typing|Static typing in GDScript]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/warning system|GDScript warning system]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdscript/gdscript format string|GDScript format strings]] =====
==== C# ====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp basics|C# basics]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp features|C# features]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp differences|C# API differences to GDScript]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp collections|C# collections]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp variant|C# Variant]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp signals|C# signals]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp exports|C# exports]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp global classes|C# global classes]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/c sharp/c sharp style guide|C# style guide]] =====
==== GDExtension ====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdextension/what is gdextension|What is GDExtension?]] =====
===== [[Godot/scripting/gdextension/gdextension cpp example|GDExtension C++ example]] =====
=== core features ===
==== [[Godot/scripting/how to read the godot api|How to read the Godot API]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/debug/index|Debug]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/debug/overview of debugging tools|Overview of debugging tools]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/debug/debugger panel|Debugger panel]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/debug/the profiler|The Profiler]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/debug/custom performance monitors|Custom performance monitors]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/idle and physics processing|Idle and Physics Processing]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/groups|Groups]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/nodes and scene instances|Nodes and scene instances]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/overridable functions|Overridable functions]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/cross language scripting|Cross-language scripting]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/creating script templates|Creating script templates]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/evaluating expressions|Evaluating expressions]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/change scenes manually|Change scenes manually]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/instancing with signals|Instancing with signals]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/pausing games|Pausing games and process mode]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/filesystem|File system]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/resources|Resources]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/singletons autoload|Singletons (Autoload)]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/scene tree|Using SceneTree]] ====
==== [[Godot/scripting/scene unique nodes|Scene Unique Nodes]] ====
== Shaders ==
=== [[Godot/shaders/introduction to shaders|Introduction to shaders]] ===
==== [[Godot/shaders/shader reference/index|Shading reference]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/shader reference/shading language|Shading language]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/shader reference/shader preprocessor|Shader preprocessor]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/shader reference/spatial shader|Spatial shaders]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/shader reference/canvas item shader|CanvasItem shaders]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/shader reference/particle shader|Particle shaders]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/shader reference/sky shader|Sky shaders]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/shader reference/fog shader|Fog shaders]] ====
=== Your first shader ===
==== [[Godot/shaders/your first shader/your first 2d shader|Your first 2D shader]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/your first shader/your first 3d shader|Your first 3D shader]] ====
==== [[Godot/shaders/your first shader/your second 3d shader|Your second 3D shader]] ====
=== [[Godot/shaders/shader materials|Shader materials]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/visual shaders|Using VisualShaders]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/compute shaders|Using compute shaders]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/screen-reading shaders|Screen-reading shaders]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/converting glsl to godot shaders|Converting GLSL to Godot shaders]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/shaders style guide|Shaders style guide]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/advanced postprocessing|Advanced post-processing]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/using viewport as texture|Using a Viewport as a texture]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/custom postprocessing|Custom post-processing]] ===
=== [[Godot/shaders/making trees|Making trees]] ===
== User interface (UI) ==
=== [[Godot/ui/size and anchors|Size and anchors]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/gui containers|Using Containers]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/custom gui controls|Custom GUI controls]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/gui navigation|Keyboard/Controller Navigation and Focus]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/control node gallery|Control node gallery]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/gui skinning|Introduction to GUI skinning]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/gui using theme editor|Using the theme editor]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/gui theme type variations|Theme type variations]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/gui using fonts|Using Fonts]] ===
=== [[Godot/ui/bbcode in richtextlabel|BBCode in RichTextLabel]] ===
== XR ==
=== [[Godot/xr/setting up xr|Setting up XR]] ===
=== [[Godot/xr/deploying to android|Deploying to Android]] ===
=== [[Godot/xr/introducing xr tools|Introducing XR tools]] ===
=== [[Godot/xr/basic xr locomotion|Basic XR Locomotion]] ===
=== [[Godot/xr/xr action map|The XR action map]] ===
=== [[Godot/xr/xr room scale|Room scale in XR]] ===
=== [[Godot/xr/openxr hand tracking|The OpenXR hand tracking]] ===
=== [[Godot/xr/openxr passthrough|The OpenXR passthrough]] ===

المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 17:29، 23 أغسطس 2023

Best practices


Applying object-oriented principles in Godot

Scene organization

When to use scenes versus scripts

Autoloads versus regular nodes

When and how to avoid using nodes for everything

Godot interfaces

Godot notifications

Data preferences

Logic preferences

Project organization

Version control systems

Editor introduction

Using the Project Manager

The Inspector

Project Settings

Default editor shortcuts

Customizing the interface

Using the Android editor

Using the Web editor

Command line tutorial

Using an external text editor

Managing editor features

Migrating to a new version

Upgrading from Godot 3 to Godot 4

Upgrading from Godot 4.0 to Godot 4.1


Canvas layers

Viewport and canvas transforms

2D lights and shadows

2D meshes

2D sprite animation

2D particle systems

2D antialiasing

Custom drawing in 2D

2D movement overview

Using TileSets

Using TileMaps


Introduction to 3D

Using 3D transforms

Procedural geometry

3D text

3D rendering limitations

Standard Material 3D and ORM Material 3D

3D lights and shadows

Using decals

Physical light and camera units

Particle systems (3D)

High dynamic range lighting

Global illumination

Introduction to global illumination

Using Voxel global illumination

Signed distance field global illumination (SDFGI)

Using Lightmap global illumination

Reflection probes

Faking global illumination

Environment and post-processing

Volumetric fog and fog volumes

3D antialiasing

Using MultiMeshInstance3D

Mesh level of detail (LOD)

Visibility ranges (HLOD)

Occlusion culling

Resolution scaling

Variable rate shading

Prototyping levels with CSG

Using GridMaps


Introduction to the animation features

Animation Track types

Cutout animation

2D skeletons

Using AnimationTree

Playing videos

Creating movies

Assets pipeline

Import process

Importing images

Importing audio samples

Importing translations

Importing 3D scenes

Retargeting 3D Skeletons

Exporting 3D scenes

Blender ESCN exporter


Physics properties






Audio buses

Audio effects

Audio streams

Sync the gameplay with audio and music

Recording with microphone

Text to speech


Exporting projects

Exporting packs, patches, and mods

Feature tags

Exporting for Linux

Exporting for macOS

Running Godot apps on macOS

Exporting for Windows

Changing application icon for Windows

Exporting for Universal Windows Platform

Exporting for iOS

Exporting for Android

Custom builds for Android

Exporting for the Web

Exporting for dedicated servers

One-click deploy

File and data I/O

Background loading

File paths in Godot projects

Saving games

Binary serialization API


Internationalizing games

Localization using gettext

Locale codes


Input handling

Using InputEvent

Input examples

Mouse and input coordinates

Customizing the mouse cursor

Controllers, gamepads, and joysticks

Handling quit requests


Vector math

Advanced vector math

Matrices and transforms


Beziers, curves and paths

Random number generation


2D Navigation Overview

3D Navigation Overview

Using NavigationServer

Using NavigationMaps

Using NavigationRegions

Using NavigationMeshes

Using NavigationPaths

Using NavigationPathQueryObjects

Using NavigationAgents

Using NavigationObstacles

Using NavigationLinks

Using NavigationLayers

Navigation Debug Tools

Connecting NavigationMeshes

Support different actor types

Support different actor locomotion

Support different actor area access

Optimizing Navigation Performance


High-level multiplayer

Making HTTP requests

HTTP client class

SSL certificates




General optimization tips

Optimization using Servers

CPU optimization

GPU optimization

Optimization using MultiMeshes

Optimizing 3D performance

Animating thousands of objects

Using multiple threads

Thread-safe APIs


Physics introduction

Using RigidBody

Using Area2D

Using CharacterBody2D/3D


Ragdoll system

Kinematic character (2D)

Using SoftBody

Collision shapes (2D)

Collision shapes (3D)

Large world coordinates

Troubleshooting physics issues


Android plugins

Creating Android plugins

Android in-app purchases

iOS plugins

Creating iOS plugins

Plugins for iOS


HTML5 shell class reference

Custom HTML page for Web export

Console support in Godot


Editor plugins

Installing plugins

Making plugins

Making main screen plugins

Import plugins

3D gizmo plugins

Inspector plugins

Visual Shader plugins

Running code in the editor


Using Viewports

Multiple resolutions

Fixing jitter, stutter and input lag


programming languages


GDScript reference
GDScript: An introduction to dynamic languages
GDScript exports
GDScript documentation comments
GDScript style guide
Static typing in GDScript
GDScript warning system
GDScript format strings


C# basics
C# features
C# API differences to GDScript
C# collections
C# Variant
C# signals
C# exports
C# global classes
C# style guide


What is GDExtension?
GDExtension C++ example

core features

How to read the Godot API


Overview of debugging tools

Debugger panel

The Profiler

Custom performance monitors

Idle and Physics Processing


Nodes and scene instances

Overridable functions

Cross-language scripting

Creating script templates

Evaluating expressions

Change scenes manually

Instancing with signals

Pausing games and process mode

File system


Singletons (Autoload)

Using SceneTree

Scene Unique Nodes


Introduction to shaders

Shading reference

Shading language

Shader preprocessor

Spatial shaders

CanvasItem shaders

Particle shaders

Sky shaders

Fog shaders

Your first shader

Your first 2D shader

Your first 3D shader

Your second 3D shader

Shader materials

Using VisualShaders

Using compute shaders

Screen-reading shaders

Converting GLSL to Godot shaders

Shaders style guide

Advanced post-processing

Using a Viewport as a texture

Custom post-processing

Making trees

User interface (UI)

Size and anchors

Using Containers

Custom GUI controls

Keyboard/Controller Navigation and Focus

Control node gallery

Introduction to GUI skinning

Using the theme editor

Theme type variations

Using Fonts

BBCode in RichTextLabel


Setting up XR

Deploying to Android

Introducing XR tools

Basic XR Locomotion

The XR action map

Room scale in XR

The OpenXR hand tracking

The OpenXR passthrough